I empathize deeply, plan collaboratively, and create value through intuitive and beautiful design.


Hi, I’m Amalia — a senior product designer with experience in UX/UI, user research, product marketing, and startups.

I spent 7 years at Quizlet, a popular consumer learning app that grew to over 60 million active users per month and a $1 billion valuation by the time I left in 2020. As the 12th hire, I held roles across product, marketing, and design — most notably building our T&S tools and policies, developing our PMM function and teacher-focused programs, and defining and optimizing our subscription upsell strategy.

By the end of my tenure, I realized I was happiest conducting user research, problem solving against constraints, and turning insights into design solutions that drove impact for users and the business.

Since then, I’ve worked freelance for early stage startups, non-profits and small-large businesses, designed a new way for members to experience healthcare at Sidecar Health, and am currently enabling real-time supply chain visibility for shipping and logistics professionals at project44.

I find that my well-rounded product experience, my commitment to sound rationale, and my enthusiastic growth mindset make me a versatile design partner across a variety of projects and teams.

Want to learn more or work together? Feel free to reach out.